A spirited, sincere soul, with silliest of silly streaks, Addison is wise beyond her years. She is smart, determined, full of attitude; and she is fine tuning her leadership skills in real time. Oh, and she has perfected a few looks over the past year, namely the ‘paaaaleaaaase mom’ and the ‘really dad?!’
Leading up to her 6th birthday, I sat down with her to ask a few questions. Below is our conversation.
Who are you? Please describe yourself.
My name is Addie. I am beautiful, kind and thankful. I am friendly most of the time. Well, sometimes I’m mean back, if I just can’t hold it. I like to play with my cat, my sister – well, sometimes – and outside on my play set.

What is your favorite thing to wear?
My poofy pink dress – it’s sparkles, and it’s good for weddings, dancing and twirling.
What is your favorite color?
Pink and purple and blue.
What is your most favorite possession?
Barbie house.
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?
Work on the barn and play on the swing set.
What is your favorite thing to do with me?
Cook dinner and bull riding.
What do you think about Corona virus?
It’s good that I’m not getting it and that my family is healthy.
How do you feel about missing school? What do you miss most?
Bad. I miss my friends and my teacher. I miss gym, art, music… all the specials.
If you could plan a very special day, beginning to end, what would you want to do?
Do a birthday party. Unicorns, presents, pinata, friends, family, and especially myself.
What do you wish you could change in the world?
I wish the sky was a sunset all the time - purple, pink and orange.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A vet one day, and an eye doctor the next. Oh, and a mommy.
To everyone who took time out to make her birthday special, thank you. The cards, the emails, the video calls, the singing, the surprise curbside visits, the dancing, the unexpected gifts, the horn honking, the celebratory comments. We were blown away.
Although the Covid-19 pandemic changed our plans, we are resilient. Our kids are resilient. And let me remind you, you are resilient.
Here are a few things I've learned this past week...
1. Ask for help - rally your troops. Your circle, they want to help.
2. Empower those around you. It was her day, her choice (within reason).
3. Bring the joy. I am so proud of my daughter, of this little family of mine. We kept it simple + joyful.
And now we're working to pay it forward. It's even more important in times like these.
Stay well, my friends.